How many events do you want to DJ per year?
Per year
Per month
There are 52 weeks in a year.
What do you want your minimum annual income to be (before taxes)? $ Out of your minimum annual income and minimum hourly wage, the number which results in a higher minimum event cost will be used in the calculations. Enter a value of zero for either field to have it be ignored. Minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. The US poverty line is $11,161 a year.Click here to view median household incomes around the United States for reference.
What do you want your minimum hourly earnings to be? $
How much does it cost you to DJ an event? $ Expenses such as gas for sales and planning meetings, planning booklets, gas for getting to the event, equipment wear and tear, special music purchases, paying staff, equipment rental, custom monogram gobos, fog juice, etc.
How many hours of work do you put into one event, on average? This includes things like time spent answering phone calls and emails from the client, having sales and planning meetings with the client, writing a script, rehearsing, getting special music, creating custom mixes, equipment setup, the actual event, teardown, travel time and follow-up.
What are your fixed weekly/monthly/annual expenses? $
Per year
Per month
Per week These are expenses that you incur no matter how many events you do, such as trade assosociation membership, bridal shows, marketing, advertising, insurance costs, music licensing costs, equipment depreciation and upgrades, expenses for sales meetings that don't close, etc. Remember, setting this number higher allows your business to grow faster!
If you have an alternative revenue stream that you wish to factor in, you can set a negative value in this field.
How many hours of work do you put into your business weekly/monthly/annually regardless of your number of bookings?
Per year
Per month
Per weekThis should include time commitments such as DJ training, conferences, networking, bridal shows, marketing, advertising, equipment maintenance, tax paperwork, answering the phone, sales meetings that don't close, etc.